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| 1 minute read

Falkland Islands and Gibraltar status non-negotiable, says Lammy

Britain's decision to relinquish control of the Chagos Islands does not signal a change in the government's position on other overseas territories, Foreign Secretary David Lammy has said.

He told the Commons the status of the Falkland Islands, Gibraltar and other British Overseas Territories are "not up for negotiation".

It comes after the government announced it would give up sovereignty over a cluster of remote Indian Ocean islands, a move which follows years of diplomatic talks and international pressure on the UK to resolve their disputed status.

Meanwhile, Chagossians who oppose the deal to hand control of the islands to Mauritius have staged a protest outside Parliament.

Lammy described the deal with Mauritius - which has long argued that it was illegally forced to give the islands away in return for its own independence from the UK in 1968 - as a "historic moment" and a "victory for diplomacy".

A key component of the deal announced last week, which is expected to be ratified in 2025, will allow the UK and US to continue to operate a strategically located military base on one of the islands, Diego Garcia.

While the UK's move to renounce claims to the Chagos Islands has received praise internationally, including from the US, critics say it could embolden governments which claim sovereignty over other British Overseas Territories.

Britain's decision to relinquish control of the Chagos Islands does not signal a change in the government's position on other overseas territories, Foreign Secretary David Lammy has said. He told the Commons the status of the Falkland Islands, Gibraltar and other British Overseas Territories are "not up for negotiation".


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