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AB Testy Test

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Reposted from CWv1 TEST

Brazil bans sales of iPhones without USB power adapters

Brazil says it is banning the sale of iPhones which do not include a power adapter.

In a statement on Tuesday, Brazil's Ministry of Justice and Public Security said it has fined Apple 12.275 million reais (£2.04m).

Brazilian consumer agency Senacon said Apple's decision not to include power adapters with new iPhones discriminates against consumers by selling an "incomplete product".

Apple will appeal against the ban.

The company told Reuters in a statement it would work with Brazilian authorities to "resolve their concerns," but added it has previously won several court rulings in Brazil on the issue.

"We are confident that our customers are aware of the various options for charging and connecting their devices," Apple said.

São Paulo's consumer protection agency fined Apple £2m last year, saying the sale of iPhone 12 and every model since then, violates consumer law because they don't come with chargers.


charger, iphone